django_opt_out package


django_opt_out.admin module

class django_opt_out.admin.OptOutAdmin(model, admin_site)[source]

Bases: import_export.admin.ImportExportMixin, django.contrib.admin.options.ModelAdmin

date_hierarchy = 'ts'
list_display = ('ts', 'email', 'ip', 'host', 'ua')
list_filter = ('ip', 'host', 'ua', 'feedback', 'tags')
readonly_fields = ('email', 'ts', 'comment', 'ip', 'host', 'ua', 'cookies', 'data', 'ssl')

alias of django_opt_out.resources.OptOutResource

class django_opt_out.admin.OptOutFeedbackAdmin(model, admin_site)[source]

Bases: import_export.admin.ImportExportMixin, django.contrib.admin.options.ModelAdmin

inlines = [<class 'django_opt_out.admin.OptOutFeedbackTranslationInline'>]
list_display = ('text', 'slug', 'default', 'ordinal', 'all_tag_names')
list_filter = ('tags', 'default')
queryset(request, queryset)[source]

alias of django_opt_out.resources.OptOutFeedbackResource

class django_opt_out.admin.OptOutFeedbackTranslationAdmin(model, admin_site)[source]

Bases: import_export.admin.ImportExportMixin, django.contrib.admin.options.ModelAdmin

list_display = ('text', 'language', 'feedback')

alias of django_opt_out.resources.OptOutFeedbackTranslationResource

class django_opt_out.admin.OptOutFeedbackTranslationInline(parent_model, admin_site)[source]

Bases: django.contrib.admin.options.TabularInline


alias of django_opt_out.models.OptOutFeedbackTranslation


alias of django_opt_out.resources.OptOutFeedbackResource

class django_opt_out.admin.OptOutTagAdmin(model, admin_site)[source]

Bases: import_export.admin.ImportExportMixin, django.contrib.admin.options.ModelAdmin

list_display = ('name', 'description')

alias of django_opt_out.resources.OptOutTagResource

django_opt_out.app_settings module

django_opt_out.apps module

class django_opt_out.apps.DjangoOptOutConfig(app_name, app_module)[source]

Bases: django.apps.config.AppConfig

name = 'django_opt_out'

Override this method in subclasses to run code when Django starts.

verbose_name = 'Messaging Opt-Outs'

django_opt_out.cli module

Console script for django-opt-out.

django_opt_out.factories module

class django_opt_out.factories.OptOutFactory[source]

Bases: factory.django.DjangoModelFactory

email = <factory.faker.Faker object>
ts = <factory.declarations.LazyFunction object>
class django_opt_out.factories.OptOutFeedbackFactory[source]

Bases: factory.django.DjangoModelFactory

tags = <factory.declarations.PostGeneration object>
text = <factory.faker.Faker object>
class django_opt_out.factories.OptOutFeedbackTranslationFactory[source]

Bases: factory.django.DjangoModelFactory

feedback = <factory.declarations.SubFactory object>
language = 'pl'
text = <factory.faker.Faker object>
class django_opt_out.factories.OptOutTagFactory[source]

Bases: factory.django.DjangoModelFactory

name = <factory.faker.Faker object>
class django_opt_out.factories.OptOutTagValueFactory[source]

Bases: factory.django.DjangoModelFactory

opt_out = <factory.declarations.SubFactory object>
tag = <factory.declarations.SubFactory object>
class django_opt_out.factories.UserFactory[source]

Bases: factory.django.DjangoModelFactory

email = <factory.faker.Faker object>
first_name = <factory.faker.Faker object>
is_active = True
is_staff = False
last_name = <factory.faker.Faker object>
username = <factory.declarations.Sequence object>

django_opt_out.forms module

class django_opt_out.forms.OptOutForm(data=None, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=<class 'django.forms.utils.ErrorList'>, label_suffix=None, empty_permitted=False, instance=None, use_required_attribute=None)[source]

Bases: django.forms.models.ModelForm

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('email', 'feedback', 'comment')
labels = {'comment': 'Please tell us what can we do better'}

alias of django_opt_out.models.OptOut

base_fields = {'comment': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x7f6b9b651710>, 'email': <django.forms.fields.EmailField object at 0x7f6b9b6515f8>, 'feedback': <django_opt_out.forms.TranslatedMultipleChoiceField object at 0x7f6b9b651320>}
declared_fields = {'feedback': <django_opt_out.forms.TranslatedMultipleChoiceField object at 0x7f6b9b651320>}
required_css_class = 'required'

Save this form’s self.instance object if commit=True. Otherwise, add a save_m2m() method to the form which can be called after the instance is saved manually at a later time. Return the model instance.

class django_opt_out.forms.TranslatedMultipleChoiceField(queryset, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: django.forms.models.ModelMultipleChoiceField


Convert objects into strings and generate the labels for the choices presented by this object. Subclasses can override this method to customize the display of the choices.

django_opt_out.models module

class django_opt_out.models.OptOut(id, email, ts, confirmed, data, comment, secret, ssl, host, ip, ua, cookies)[source]

Bases: django_powerbank.db.models.base.BaseModel

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.

get_next_by_ts(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: ts>, is_next=True, **kwargs)
get_previous_by_ts(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: ts>, is_next=False, **kwargs)

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
save(force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None, update_fields=None)[source]

Save the current instance. Override this in a subclass if you want to control the saving process.

The ‘force_insert’ and ‘force_update’ parameters can be used to insist that the “save” must be an SQL insert or update (or equivalent for non-SQL backends), respectively. Normally, they should not be set.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

class django_opt_out.models.OptOutFeedback(id, text, slug, default, ordinal)[source]

Bases: django_powerbank.db.models.base.BaseModel

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.

class django_opt_out.models.OptOutFeedbackTranslation(id, feedback, language, text)[source]

Bases: django_powerbank.db.models.base.BaseModel

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

get_language_display(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.CharField: language>)

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

class django_opt_out.models.OptOutTag(id, name, description)[source]

Bases: django_powerbank.db.models.base.BaseModel

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>

Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.

class django_opt_out.models.OptOutTagValue(id, opt_out, tag, value)[source]

Bases: django_powerbank.db.models.base.BaseModel

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>

Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

django_opt_out.resources module

class django_opt_out.resources.OptOutFeedbackResource[source]

Bases: import_export.resources.ModelResource

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

export_order = ('text',)
fields = ('id', 'text', 'slug', 'default', 'ordinal', 'tags')

alias of django_opt_out.models.OptOutFeedback

fields = {'default': <import_export.fields.Field: default>, 'id': <import_export.fields.Field: id>, 'ordinal': <import_export.fields.Field: ordinal>, 'slug': <import_export.fields.Field: slug>, 'tags': <import_export.fields.Field: tags>, 'text': <import_export.fields.Field: text>}
class django_opt_out.resources.OptOutFeedbackTranslationResource[source]

Bases: import_export.resources.ModelResource

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

export_order = ('text',)
fields = ('id', 'feedback', 'text', 'language')

alias of django_opt_out.models.OptOutFeedbackTranslation

fields = {'feedback': <import_export.fields.Field: feedback>, 'id': <import_export.fields.Field: id>, 'language': <import_export.fields.Field: language>, 'text': <import_export.fields.Field: text>}
class django_opt_out.resources.OptOutResource[source]

Bases: import_export.resources.ModelResource

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

export_order = ('ts',)
fields = ('email', 'ts', 'confirmed', 'data', 'comment', 'feedback', 'secret', 'ssl', 'ip', 'ua', 'cookies')

alias of django_opt_out.models.OptOut

fields = {'comment': <import_export.fields.Field: comment>, 'confirmed': <import_export.fields.Field: confirmed>, 'cookies': <import_export.fields.Field: cookies>, 'data': <import_export.fields.Field: data>, 'email': <import_export.fields.Field: email>, 'feedback': <import_export.fields.Field: tags>, 'ip': <import_export.fields.Field: ip>, 'secret': <import_export.fields.Field: secret>, 'ssl': <import_export.fields.Field: ssl>, 'ts': <import_export.fields.Field: ts>, 'ua': <import_export.fields.Field: ua>}
class django_opt_out.resources.OptOutTagResource[source]

Bases: import_export.resources.ModelResource

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

export_order = ('name',)
fields = ('id', 'name')

alias of django_opt_out.models.OptOutTag

fields = {'id': <import_export.fields.Field: id>, 'name': <import_export.fields.Field: name>}
class django_opt_out.resources.OptOutTagValueResource[source]

Bases: import_export.resources.ModelResource

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

export_order = ('text',)
fields = ('opt_out', 'tag', 'value')

alias of django_opt_out.models.OptOutTagValue

fields = {'opt_out': <import_export.fields.Field: tags>, 'tag': <import_export.fields.Field: tags>, 'value': <import_export.fields.Field: value>}

django_opt_out.signals module

django_opt_out.signals.send_signal(signal, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Log eny errors returned in the signal call responses

django_opt_out.urls module

django_opt_out.utils module

django_opt_out.utils.get_opt_out_path(email, *tags)[source]
django_opt_out.utils.get_opt_out_url(email, base_url=None, *tags)[source]
django_opt_out.utils.validate_password(email, encoded)[source]

django_opt_out.views module

class django_opt_out.views.OptOutBase(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: django_powerbank.views.auth.AbstractAccessView

check_authorization(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class django_opt_out.views.OptOutConfirm(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: pascal_templates.views.CreateView


alias of django_opt_out.forms.OptOutForm


If the form is valid, save the associated model.


Insert the form into the context dict.


Return an instance of the form to be used in this view.


Return the initial data to use for forms on this view.


Return the URL to redirect to after processing a valid form.


alias of django_opt_out.models.OptOut

template_name = 'django_opt_out/OptOut/form.html'
class django_opt_out.views.OptOutRemoved(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: django.views.generic.base.TemplateView

template_name = 'django_opt_out/OptOut/removed.html'
class django_opt_out.views.OptOutSuccess(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: django_opt_out.views.OptOutBase, pascal_templates.views.DetailView


alias of django_opt_out.models.OptOut

post(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
template_name = 'django_opt_out/OptOut/success.html'
class django_opt_out.views.OptOutUpdate(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: django_opt_out.views.OptOutBase, pascal_templates.views.UpdateView


alias of django_opt_out.forms.OptOutForm


Return an instance of the form to be used in this view.


Return the URL to redirect to after processing a valid form.


alias of django_opt_out.models.OptOut

template_name = 'django_opt_out/OptOut/form.html'

Module contents

Top-level package for Django Opt-out application.